Saturday, December 19, 2009

productivity or lack thereof

So I havent posted anything on here in quite a while. This is a clear sign of my lack of initiative. I moved to Montreal to do more work and to get away from the distractions of my beloved Toronto but I still find myself falling back into the old pattern putting finances before art. So instead of painting and drawing I work. Sad. This piece is from a show that I did at Ta2 sound and music on september 3rd before I left for France. So I'm vomiting in colour now which is a slight change but as for anything new, well you'll have to wait a bit.
Currently I am working on a graphic novel alongside Michael Iliadis who wrote the script. So far I'm just in the character development stage and I must say I'm pretty excited/nervous to get to the point where I can really work on the scenes. More posts to come when I finally get the time to upload some sketches from the novel, I did a very silly thing by buying the worlds largest sketchbook, although fun and convenient to draw in, it poses difficulty in the scanning department so I'll have to jimmy a sort of tripod deal to take photos of the sketches.
*not really new but new development, my website is updated again so check it out.